How Professional Fundraising Managers Can Help Schools During The COVID-19 Pandemic
The coronavirus is impacting the world in many unpredictable ways. For example, many schools are predicted to have smaller budgets next year, a problem that may require the help of a professional fundraising manager. These experts can ensure that schools get the money that they need to stay solvent. COVID-19 Will Impact School Funding Situations COVID-19 has caused a vast amount of financial impact, a problem that is likely to get worse before it gets better.
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Tips For Running A Successful Movember Campaign
If you're keen on raising awareness and funds for men's health issues — namely, prostate cancer — you might decide to take part in the creative fundraiser of Movember. Each November, many men grow mustaches over the course of the month, seeking donations from people in their lives. It's highly possible that multiple men in your social circle will be taking part in Movember, which means that you want your campaign to stand out.
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